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SpaceShare Carpooling & Green Logistics July Newsletter

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  • Happenings
  • Greening Your Automobile, Part II
  • Tech Volunteers & Fall Internships


Our upcoming events are at spaceshare.com/upcoming

Near Portland, I'm very excited about the Shakedown Festival. Besides carpooling, they're powered with biodiesel, serving organic food, recycling, donating to nonprofits, providing free water to anyone who brings their own container, and more. Last year, that would have been impressive for an earthday event. What makes this particularly exciting is that the Shakedown is not officially an environmental festival, it's "just" a music festival where the organizers have taken it upon themselves to do everything they can to protect the earth. If you listen to Spearhead, Galactic, Medeski Martin & Wood, and Sound Tribe Sector Nine, you can buy your tickets where the organizers are doing the right thing (and then let then know that their greening efforts brought them more ticket sales). This is good news, the movement to make festivals greener is moving forward fast: let's all reinforce this trend, challenge other music events to be as green as the Shakedown!

Near San Francisco, three events that we'll exhibit at are the Livermore anti-nuclear weapons rally, Hopland Solfest and Earthdance. We need more hands at all three. If you would like to volunteer at any of these, please contact us.

You could be going to events for free as a volunteer! Sometimes very valuable (and expensive) tickets are going to waste. No one went to the Green Building conference in Chicago this spring, and we probably have a place at the Solar Conference during the second week of August. You can help SpaceShare make the connections we need, while still having plenty of time to experience the event. Speak up! Let us know where you live and what kinds of events you'd like to attend.

Allied Green Businesses: Greening Your Automobile II

Check out spaceshare.com/greeneconomy

Can we as individuals find a way to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem on huge issues like Global Warming? Can market forces be turned around to help the environment, to bring these overwhelming problems down to a scale where we can each take responsibility for our own part?

TerraPass is taking a new approach to fighting Global Warming. They determine the global warming impact of your car, then find a way to reduce global warming an equal amount, and you fund your share of that project. It's an approach to limiting environmental damage that has been used with large industries, now people are bringing it to an individual level. The market-forces approach has TerraPass doing the work for you, to look for the least expensive way to do as much to reduce global warming as possible with as little money as possible. You do your share to fight global warming, no longer need to feel guilt about one of the biggest environmental crises, and have a great conversation starter about positive environmental efforts.

Beyond your personal contribution, efforts like this help "create a market." One day our nation may decide to get serious about global warming: TerraPass's work today could become a prototype for larger scale ways to transform how market economics relates to our environment.

Fall Internships & Volunteer Roles

We're begining to look for fall volunteers, are you interested? Do you know anyone who might be? Could you post a flyer at your school? Announce our internship to your friends or a school mailing list? More info, and printable flyers, at www.spaceshare.com/intern

Special Volunteer Need: Tech team volunteers. We'll be adding some "activist and volunteer connections" tools soon. We need to add a bulletin board or forum; anyone experienced with YABB or Drupal? Anyone want to join a very occassional mailing list discussing SpaceShare's tech questions? Help us put together a section on our website for volunteers and interns?

And a big thank-you to Stephanie, a short-term intern this summer, who has researched hundreds of events for us. Her work has sped up the process and will almost certainly mean more conferences will have carpooling this autumn.

Be the Change,

Stephen Cataldo
6420 Colby St.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 520-6175

Replacing Cars with Community

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